The project looks at a section of the Irish Business Community, the Security Industry, and puts it under the microscope.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Brinkmanship" the Game

During our stint in Filmbase yesterday, some of the team were brainstorming additional ideas for the MuchRobbed Project. My son, Patrick came up with the idea of "Brinkmanship", the PC and X-Box360 live Game. PJ is a committed gamer. He has had a PC since the age of three, when he impressed clients (IBM and Symantec) of my practice in with his skills. He is a regular at X-Box Live in South William Street. Patrick has suggested that the game, which will be a cross between Project Gotham Racing 4 (PGR4), Microsoft, and Saints Row, THQ. ( or follow the link to the right. The object of the game would be to collect as much cash as you can from the different CIT (Cash in Transit) companies, such as MuchRobbed etc. The game will be similar to Saints Row, but will be less violent, more skill based, indeed it may start as a "side game" in Saints Row 2. We will be talking to THQ in Woking tomorrow. You heard it here first! More details on the website later.

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